Glen Park Avenue Steps

Glen Park Avenue Steps brick project


May 21-31 2021

In 2021 we created our biggest project yet at Glen Park Avenue steps, Plymouth, PL4 6BE. We facilitated the painting of 3125 individual bricks by that many people in the local community. The interactive element of this page is being programmed in the months following completion of the project. All bricks will be accessible when we switch to our new Drupal site in late 2021 so you'll be able to roll over bricks to reveal the name of each participant soon sorry for the delay! We are so proud to have created such a bright and vibrant project and hope to be making more work in Plymouth soon. Watch this space!
Charlotte- Big House
Eddie Lucas- Eddie
Daredevil- Happy Melting!
Brian- Childhood Memories
Christina- Drakes Island At Night
Charles- Big Truck
Adelina- Sunset Dot
Autumn- Rainbow With Dinosaur
Edd- Dartmoor Sheep
Bos- Hope
Alan- Teddies
Elena- Cleaning Progress
Emily- Bee
Butch- Just Me
Clare- Ocean Swim
Tallis- Birthday
Stevie- Stevie
Adelina- Romania
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