Newtown Brick Project

Newtown brick project

Newtown, Bristol

May - September 2023

Newtown, Bristol, has been described by locals as “not deprived but neglected”, so Newtown Brick Project created a positive voice and narrative for the community. Working collaboratively and building on the legacy of artistic interventions led by Trinity Community Arts, Brick Project co-designed this proposal to develop a mural consisting of literally thousands of individual paintings on a brick wall on the estate. With a paid freelance team of local people from Newtown we assisted members of the community to amplify their voices in an inclusive and accessible artwork that they were in charge of. Hover over the bricks below to see who took part...
Location: Google Maps What3Words- ///

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Sniff - Lovely Owl
Chaniya - A Forest
Aga - Love
Albania - Rila Mountain Sunset
Andy - Newt For Newtown
Lewis - LGBCFC
Angela - Artist
Ashiya - Aloha
Ashiya - Polka
Ashiya - Shy
Ayaan - Fallen Leaves
Ayaan - Somaliland
Bertie Hitchcock - Mabel grace
Chaniya - Nature
Charles - Charles and Kelly
Cheniya - Barbie
Daisy - Love Daisy
Dan - Maggot with Shapes
Debbie - Newtown Network
Debbie - Togetherness
Ellis - Gert Lush
Ellis - Wormz
Eva - Rain
Eva Alexander & Debbie - Mother and Daughter
Trayana - I love Bulgaria
Georgia - Arrows
Gosia - Summertime
Gary - Paul
Grayson - BCFCGB
Gwen - Outside World
Hamda - Poco
Hamda - Shapes
Hannah - Friends
Hamdan - Love Wins
Hamdan - Fresh and Delicious
Hannah - Flowers
Hannah - Niece
Jasmine - Darkness Consuming Light
Jasmine - Sunset vs Storm
Jo - Summer Sun
Kate - A Nice Summer's Day
Lewis - Freestyle
Michael - Rainbow
Joel Hardwick - .JHHT
Michaela - Bulgaria
Michelle - Casper
Angela - Great Artist
Nathan - Us
Paddy - Paddy's Name
Sakeriya - Doctor
Samuel - Danger on the Coast
Sara - Hi
Sara - Peachy
Sara - Watermelon

Friday 25th August 2023

Aafia - Aafia
Alaam - Winter Warmer
Andrzej - Le Figaro
Abbie - Hope Brick
Anon - Aroo
Abbie - Surprise Me
Anon - Open
Ashiya - Beach
Ashiya - Island
Azra - Chosen One